Healing Sessions

Spirit Medicine Woman

As a conduit for divine energy
Transmitting languages of light,sacred sounds combined with healing hands

This vibrational healing works on the deepest soul level.

It transforms the cellular body, activates DNA and sparks memories of destiny and purpose. It is characterized by a profound sense of unconditional love.

Janine is guided by the client’s soul needs in order to co-create a healing experience that is physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Janine brings a unique and pure approach to each session. Her work is transformative and of the highest integrity.

It is her greatest joy and soul passion to channel this love and support you in your healing process.

A healing occurs on all different levels

with benefits including:

-Improved immune systems, metabolism, and other bodily functions

-Triggers healing processes in the psyche and body

-Re-balances the frequencies in the electromagnetic field

-Rejuvenates physical systems for improved function

-Harmonizes the Chakras and subtle energy bodies

-Stimulates the development of inner senses for spiritual awareness

Sessions are especially beneficial for individuals

(of all ages) dealing with difficulties related to:

-Stress & fatigue- anxiety -Pain  -Disease                                                                                                                  

– Infertility Issue, Relationship Issues , Children of NOW

– Conscious Death Transitions                                                                                                     

-Emotional crisis & trauma

-Transforming (or constraining) limiting belief systems

-Self image & lifestyle changes  -Physical injury                    

SPECIAL OFFER Only $150.00 per hour

Experiencers have reported some of the following:

-a release of pain, discomfort and blocked energy flow

-awareness of higher states of consciousness

– feeling more energized

-a sense of deep inner peace and relaxation

-less stressed and a feeling of increased overall well being

-a deeper spiritual understanding of themselves & their life situations

-gaining insights into their future life path

-gaining insights of the cause of disease states

-understanding how to best deal with their disease or problems 

Every person who receives a session reports a different effect. The experience is totally individual

Sessions are offered in person, on zoom or over the phone .

Tauranga, New Zealand

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